From stressed animals to waste treatment, cattle, swine, and poultry production comes with tough and dirty challenges. Envera solutions work from the inside and out to improve feed conversion and lower mortality without antibiotics.

Care for Livestock Without Antibiotics
Envera’s direct-fed microbial (DFM) are a natural solution to improve intestinal tract health, aid recovery from antibiotic treatment or stress, and even optimize growth of livestock. Our microbial blends can be mixed directly into feed ingredients, improving feed conversion rates, reducing mortality, and acting as an alternative to antibiotic-based growth promoters.

Deodorize & Fertilize Without Chemicals
Customized waste treatment solutions from Envera make animal agriculture easier to manage and more efficient. Our solutions both degrade the waste from cattle, swine, and poultry – significantly reducing ammonia and other toxic gases – and make waste easier to dispose. Our bacteria can liquify animal waste, which makes it easier to pump and land apply as fertilizer.

Customized for Performance
Whatever your particular animal healthy and waste management needs, our bacteria can be customized specifically to meet the needs of your livestock and farm – even better than antibiotics and chemicals. For example, our bacteria sequesters nitrogen, phosphorous, and other nutrients in waste, which increases fertilizer value, leading to improved crop yields.
Healthier Animals, Higher Yields
Clostridium perfringens (CP)-challenged poultry treated with Envera direct-feed microbials exhibited a lesion score comparable to the non-CP control group. In comparison, the lesion scores of the CP-challenged group treated with Bacitracin were significantly higher, while the mortality rate was near equal with the Envera direct-fed groups.
Additionally, ammonia in barns treated with Envera customized products was reduced from 89 PPM to 8 PPM; hydrogen sulfide dropped from 9 PPM to 0.5 PPM.